Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

It is undoubtedly that time of the year, where we transit into a brand new year. Though it is just like any other night, where the clock strikes midnight in every respective timezone on Earth, it is a meaningful one to many.

To some, it may seem ridiculous because it is just like any other night. It's not like a new year would mean a new day that would bring snow upon the sunny shores of Singapore the next day. Nothing special. Ditto.

I admit, the past years I was one of these people. The past years is the same old thing. "Oh, please. The next year is going to be the same thing. Just school, same old same old." Not anymore.

Next year is the year of changes. I will graduate from polytechnic and from school overall. I will enter the workforce officially. I will embrace adulthood with the big number 2 at the front of my age figure. These are honestly huge milestones all packed in one year. Heck, maybe in one month even.

I'm not one who takes change very well. That's the autistic part of me. But of course, throughout the almost two decades of my life, I've learned that change is good, no matter how uncomfortable that change is. Change signifies the beginning of something new - positive or negative. It is up to oneself on how they take out of that life-changing experience. Some take it bad, some take it light-heartedly, some take it on a happy note.

2014 was full of changes as well, no denying about that. I stepped down from my main committee of my cca in the beginning of the year. I started internship shortly afterwards, which, I must say, took up almost half of the year, and I solely commit to working at my internship school and work on the final year project (FYP). After internship ended, I got a job just before the new semester started, which was a huge life-changer, because I am not one who is good at managing my time well. But because of this part-time job alongside a school semester, I get to polish those skills up and make sure I can juggle my commitments well.

Many more things happened in between those huge life events aforementioned, but I prefer not to bring light upon them because of personal reasons. If you're reading this and know that there were more life milestones that I achieved in the year, you are an important part of my life and I thank you for going through or witnessing those milestones with me.

 My 2014 was without a doubt one hell of a bumpy roller-coaster ride. So many things happened and I felt many emotions with it. It wasn't particularly the best year of my life, not that I do have one, but I couldn't have asked for a better 2014. I will only see the good in what happened and not let the bad get to me.

Regrets, all of us have them and I'm not exempted. I had plenty this year, some so great that I could break down because it shows how much of a sissy, a coward, a chicken I am. But heck, I'm not gonna let them get to me. I already let them last night and that is the last I will ever see of them because 2014 is over. All the nasty regrets of 2014 will be stuffed in a bag of trash and thrown into a garbage truck where they will be incinerated into ashes for good. I don't need those regrets and I don't have time for them either.

Undoubtedly, there will be a new set of regrets for this new year but I'm not gonna wait for those regrets to come. Oh hell no. This is a new year full of change, so I will make the best of it. I will wait for opportunities to come, or better still, I will go forth and seek for opportunities that will make me a better and happier person because that is what I want for myself. Call me selfish, but self love is important too, my friends.

All in all, I'm happy 2014 is coming to an end. I'm excited to put an end to this final chapter to this book and I'm more than thrilled to start on a new chapter in 2015. Thank you for reading this long ranting post on how my 2014 went and I hope you have a wonderful New Year's.

Izzie xoxo

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